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Shanghai Chunmu Horticulture Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 塑料花盆,园艺工具,塑料花盆托盘,塑料水壶,园艺支架
排名第1 花盆及种植工具类爆款商品 Total staff (26)Total trading staff (7)Testing instruments (2)Finished product inspection



Shanghai chunmu Horticulture Co., Ltd. Is an Internet e-commerce brand dealer focusing on the sales of home gardening flowerpots. The brand mainly sells flower pots, gardening consumables and green plants and other products internationally on the platform of Tmall and ailibaba.com

Brand Concept:Treat people in good faith, win by qualityand treat every customer with good service.

 Ultra-high cost performance is the guarantee of strong competitiveness of Shanghai Chunmu Horticulture Co.,